
Innovative Retail Banking Platform for RBI International

Registered users: 17M+ customers

Project team: 30+ people

Time to launch: less than 12 months

Total project duration: 21 months.


The client

RBI is an Austrian banking group and a central institution of the Raiffeisen Banking Group Austria (RBG), having:

• more than 17 million customers;

• 12 subsidiary banks in the CEE region;

• more than 214 billion EUR in total assets.




RBI considered different options, such as hiring an internal team from scratch or applying the services of a third-party contractor to create the product and set up a new team for them.


Edenlab was chosen as the external R&D lab due to:

• Relevant experience in fintech and expertise in the required technologies.

•  Experience dealing with strict compliance, security, and legal requirements (PCI DSS Level 1 certification).

•  Experience working with large enterprises, together with their bureaucracy, technical legacy, and other features.

•  Innovative spirit and Agile approach combined with the ability to deliver the desired results on time and tune the development process in correspondence with the company’s setup.

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    33 T. Shevchenko blvd, 11 th floor Kiev, Ukraine


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